
I help software development teams with product delivery by using agile, continuous improvement, leading by example, and technical excellence with the goal of creating valuable products that customers want.

My work

Lead Developer, Coaching, Agile, Scrum, Kanban, Continuous Integration, Continuous Delivery & Deployment, DevOps, DDD, BDD, TDD, CQRS, ES, Kotlin, Java, Python, TypeScript, JavaScript, Elixer, Ruby, PHP, Spring Boot, Angular, React, React Native, Kafka, RabbitMQ, PgSQL, MySQL, Google Cloud, AWS, K8s, Docker Swarm, Docker, Ansible, User Story Mapping, Backlog Management, Stakeholder Management, Etc, etc, etc, etc.

Companies that employed me:

JustEat Takeaway
Fringe Company
Bas Verwaaijen:
I worked with Arno at Valert where he was a senior software engineer and an Agile evangelist. As a Product Owner and co-Agile evangelist it was great fun to work with him, even though we could have our strong opinions on how strong you should hold on to Agile, or that small waterfalling was OK as well as long as it served the purpose. As a PO (get stuff done) I supported both, as it was in my interest to get it done, regardless the way. Arno showed me that sticking to Agile, in the end would be a winning game and he was right.