Crypto greed

I missed the crypto boat multiple times. I missed it 10 years ago, 5 years ago, and a year ago. My parents taught me to keep money in a savings account. “You never know when you need it.”
Do you know when I needed the money? Never!


People get seriously rich on cryptos. I heard a story where somebody put 50.000€ in Shiba and he tripled his money. I heard a story where somebody owned 30 bitcoins and bought a house with it. If he saved, he would have bought a big house, but still. People get seriously rich on cryptos.


It triggers me a lot. I want it; I want to get rich quickly. My greed is sucking my attention. My savings devaluate over time, unused, slowly degrading by inflation. I dislike it and it makes no sense.

I am drowning in the deadly sin of greed


I have a big fear of missing out and put money in crypto to see where the boat ends. If I lose, I lose, but money on a bank account is losing, anyway.


My personal doubts lie with the actual value of these cryptos. If you look at shiba, it is just gambling. There is no actual value to the coin, so it is just hoping that the price goes up and sells at a good point. It is an inflated idea. So I have big doubts about what coins I want to invest.

Buy buy buy.

Get richt!

I will buy cryptos, and at this point of writing I put my money in these cryptos:

algorand, bitcoin, etherium, dash

For now, I am too chicken to buy obscure cryptos, but I might in the future. And If any of these go way up, I will be rich! My greed will be fulfilled or worst.