E-Paper, 2.13 inch

E-Paper, 2.13 inch

In my previous post, I broke my RPi Zero2 W with soldering, hey, that happens. I did buy a new one, but due to chip shortage, it takes quite some time to retrieve it. However, I am able to get my hands on a PI4B for now. It's good enough to play around with the e-paper.

I added the e-paper to the Pi4, quite easy.

Installed the necessary libraries as defined in the wiki, and tried the example. It worked out of the box! That surprised me, as I messed around with it for a long time on the Zero 2W and RPi1.

Time to play with some software.

It is surprisingly easy, but somewhat low level, you have to define on pixel-level where you want text or images. The project had no real purpose and at the moment of writing, I created software that cycles through a few things.


The code is publicly available, feel free to use whatever you want.

GitHub - arnovr/epaper-dashboard
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